A flush-mounted outdoor light works well attached to the ceiling of a porch or covered entry. They can also be used for a covered patio or deck area. The light is hardwired electrically to the ceiling and operated by a wall switch. It provides good ambient downward light to flood the local area, especially useful above a doorway or entrance. Being close to the ceiling/roof they allow amply head-room for people coming in and out. You may need more than one for a larger porch or wraparound deck.
Our European Style invokes a feeling of gathering with close friends in a French parlor, sipping espresso in an Italian Bistro, or traveling by carriage across the paved brick streets of Vienna. Similar to traditional style lighting, our European Lighting Style is highly ornate, and dedicated to elegant lighting designs embellished with sophisticated curves, iron clad scrolls, and nominal use of crystals or beaded ornaments.
For outdoor use, ceiling lights should be mounted underneath the overhang of a porch or covered deck. They could also potentially be installed in a garage.
A ceiling-mounted outdoor light fixture will shine its light downward and outward over the local area. At night this light may well spread out over a fairly large area, centered on the porch. But it may not reach to the further reaches of a yard without additional lights. You may want to pair it with some wall/garage lights.
An electrician or person with electrical installation knowledge will need to permanently wire the ceiling light into the building's electrical supply.