ENERGY STAR qualified lighting provides bright, warm light but uses about 75% less energy than standard lighting, produce 75% less heat, and lasts up to 10 times longer. That's not a coincidence considering most of the energy used by incandescent bulbs is wasted on heat.
Changing the world starts with simple actions. When you replace light bulbs or entire light fixtures in your home with ones that have earned the government's ENERGY STAR, you help preserve energy resources while saving money and time buying and changing lights in your home.
To save the most energy and money, replace your highest used fixtures or the light bulbs in them with energy-efficient models. The five highest use fixtures in a home are typically the kitchen ceiling lights, the living or family room table and floor lamps, and outdoor porch or post lamp.
The smallest things can add up to a real difference. We encourage you to change out the light fixtures or bulbs at home that you use most with ENERGY STAR qualified models.
FACT: The energy used in the average home can be responsible for more than twice the greenhouse gas emissions of the average car. When you use less energy at home, you reduce greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.
In a world where energy prices are going up and shortages abound, energy efficient lighting makes more sense than ever. Energy Star approved lamps produce 75 percent less heat than traditional bulbs. They also use 75 percent less energy and can last up to 10 times longer than conventional light sources.
Energy Star lighting is not plain, either! Choose from a large selection of energy efficient styles and colors designed to complement any room decor. Whether you choose an energy efficient table lamp or a practical outdoor lighting fixture, LampsUSA has everything you need including energy efficient replacement lamps and bulbs.
Make your home or office area lighting energy efficient by choosing lamps and fixtures that carry the Energy Star label. You'll be doing your part to make your living or work space that much better and help save the environment at the same time.
The lighting industry is in the midst of an exciting and dramatic revolution. This revolution will see the phasing out of energy hogging incandescent light bulbs & the rise of the CFL, compact fluorescent bulbs. New possibilities in light technology-Full Spectrum lighting mimics the beneficial aspects of sunlight for better quality, cleaner and potentially more healthy light.
Light Therapy involves the use of light to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and other human conditions related to lack of sunlight. Light therapy can also be useful in balancing ones body clock (circadian rhythm). Energy Star rated light fixtures are optimized to use dramatically less energy.
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