The straight lines and sleek appearance of linear lights will certainly dress up any style bathroom and add a fresh modern look to the space. Bathroom vanity lights creatively utilize a unified shade extended to cover the whole fixture to conceal and soften the light bulbs to create the perfect, even light without casting distracting shadows on the mirror.
Centered above the mirror is the classic location for vanity bath lights, but modern lighting choices give you plenty of alternative positioning options. Linear bar lights work well when mounted vertically on each side of the mirror or situated horizontally above to illuminate the mirror and surrounding vanity space.This traditional location provides full light for tasks and is often the only option in a small powder room where vanity mirrors fill the entire wall. Look for a fixture that is roughly one-third the width of you mirror at minimum to prevent a visually, unbalanced look.
Bathroom Light Bars are a necessary fixture in a room designed with intent and purpose, when paired with complimentary chandeliers or pendants or wall sconces, they lavish appealing layers of illumination to create a versatile wash of light suitable for daily grooming or for creating a relaxing spa atmosphere.